Mit zwei Kamera Objekten die man sich vor den Körper hängt, bewegt man sich durch einen engen Raum.
Ein weiches menschengroßes Pendulum was von der Decke hängt hält alle in Bewegung.
Als Anregung gibt es Texte von Yoko Ono – Grapefruit a book of instructions and drawings – und Fischli und Weiss – will happiness find me ? - Parallele Schichten von Samples, Spiel und Sprache kulminieren in dem performativen Raum mit Nebel, Pinsel, Farbe und Schlagzeug zu einem Happening.
Including two camera objects that are hanging on your body, you move through a small space with many people.
A human size pendulum in the centre keeps everybody moving.
As inspiration there are texts of Yoko Ono – Grapefruit, a book of instructions and drawings – and Fischli and Weiss – Will happiness find me? –
Parallel layers of samples, play and language are culminating to a happening in a performative space with fog, brushes, paint and a drum kit.
Berlin, Grabowsee 2021
Video Collaborators:
Zu Kalinovska, Andy Ozbold, Sam Potter, Rachel Margetts, Emilie Kleinschmidt, Magali Auzier, Grinni Sackratte, Andreas Werner, Putti, Bernard Bolter, Isabel Cavenecia, Finja Jens, Johann Gluschko, Mikolaj Rogowski, Maitane Midby, Zwek …
Durch das Bauen von Häusern im öffenlichen Raum für Bedürftige, sollen die Fragen nach sozialer Gerechtigkeit und Recht auf Wohnen auf den Prüfstand gesetzt werden.
Durch die Kommunikation mit Kunst und Performance und den Ordnungshütern, wurden neue Realitäten geschaffen um mit Obdachlosigkeit umzugehen und zwischen den Welten zu vermitteln.
By Building Houses in public spaces for minorized groups, questions about social fairness and the right of living shall be raised. The communication via art and performance with the officials was creating new realities to deal with homelessness and to mediate between the worlds.
Berlin, Kreuzberg 2021
Artist Collective LA 54, Zwek, Kito Colchester, Sam Berdsley, G.A. Beckmann, Ignatz Bee, Angeles Alarcon, Beat Gipp, Knife Knightbusch, Christopher Ramm, Gustav Janata, Emilie Kleinschmidt, Merle Heinrich, Lydia Leerstelle, Herbalists Without Borders, Vagabond Congress
In dem Besetzen von Häusern liegt der Versuch mit künstlerischen Mitteln eine Zone ohne Konflikte zu schaffen in der die Grundrechte ausgeübt werden können
es entsteht eine selbsterwählte Staatlichkeit, eine Sozialisierung der Dinge durch eine gleichwertige Kommunikationsebene durch Kunst, Performance, Klang und Gleichberechtigung der Sprachlichkeit.
Via an Art Squat it is tried to realize the rights of freedom
the perception alone in which you see a house being built on the street, a communication which is relinquishing everyday-language, with the code of sculptural things, of performance of sound and language, making a level of equal things, equality through language.
Berlin, London 2019
Artist Collective LA 54, Silas Parry, Alice Morey, Joey Addison, Knife Knightbusch, Ignatz Bee, Maria Rogossini, Zwek, Sam Besceli, Michele Mattei, Gayane von Schwarz
The Red Block Gallery was put in front of the Arthouse LA 54 exhibiting a variety of works from 20 artists of different countries. The cube was built in the night to the 25th mai 2017 and was exhibiting two artists a day, with a finissage on the 5th june.
The artists were sharing this small space built on the pavement by one work hung on the wall, one work standing on a plinth or floor, unless it was a performance.
With an article from the TAZ newspaper, the gallery on the pavement also functioned as a political protest for the situation of the still empty arthouse LA 54, due to multiple unknown owner changes in the background of years-long negotiations.
The following artists showed work: Tine Nedbo | Maitane Midby | Line Finderup Jensen | Majse Vilstrup | Alice Morey | Francois Domain | Fabio Campagna |
Sarah Tjäder | Claudia Simon | Ynin Shillo | Bella Mackie Hope | Sean McGuill | Paula Faraco | Hannah Reber | Søren August Vallø Jacobsen | Lady Gaby | August Vallø Jacobsen | Nanh Suan Lee | Joe Bloggs | Sandi Di Yu
in the Video you see the performance of Sandi Di Yu and the work of Lady Gaby
The Autonomous Rooms exhibition was a multidisciplinary show held at the ZMF Gallery in Brunnenstrasse, Berlin in 2012.
It dealt with gaps in perception and processes which attempt to take on a life of their own and act independently.
Artists explored the theme of autonomous spaces using sound and visual installations,
paintings, poetry and performance.
The following artists showed work: Daniele Bordoni | Beatrice Baumgärtner | Michael Stapley | Renzo Marasca | Silas Parry | Friederike Jokisch | Adrian Gutzelnig |
Juliane Meckert | Zwek | Hui Chun Lin | Alice Morey | Kerstin Rünzel | Stella von Rohden
Our Accursed Share is a group exhibition of 7 artists curated by members of D.H.U.A in Ebertystrasse 49, Berlin on the 18th of January, 2014.
The exhibition takes its name from Georges Bataille's theory of consumption and brings together works whose premises are based on the book as a challenging conceptual,
perceptual, and cultural alternative to the current social norm.
Chemical processes, biological organisms, systems of general economy as well as societies of people working together all have a
tendency while expending energy to grow and thrive to create a surplus of material often seen as waste.
The surplus produced by these systems is used up in a variety of ways, most commonly either for catastrophic acts such as war or acts of decadence and spectacle in the field
of artistic endeavour.
Exibitors were Olivier Pasquet | Til Berg | David Prytz | Asif Shwartz-Yassour | John Power | Michael Stapley | Euan Williams | Diana Sprenger | Julia Grigorian | Alessandra Chiffi | Paolo Menabo | Timo Rihanen | Fiona Valentine Thomann | Zwek
A Video by Zwek, shown at the Guilt and Depth-Confernece, in the Grimm Zentrum of the Humboldt University, on the 16th/17th of June 2016.
Sparked by the financial crisis of 2007-08 the concepts of debt and guilt have attracted a growing public and academic interest. Yet in spite of an ongoing interdisciplinary interest in political economy, debt and guilt are rarely studied in correlation to each other.
How do these concepts relate? Does monetary debt have to be repaid on moral grounds? Does the debt of entire states have the same moral status as private debt? And most importantly, what about questions of debt relief? What are potential perspectives for change in an ongoing time of crisis, social inequality and climate change?